Mastering the 12 Subject Verb Agreement Basic Principles

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar that can often be overlooked. Crucial effective communication significantly impact clarity coherence writing. The 12 subject-verb agreement basic principles are the foundation for ensuring that your subjects and verbs agree in number and person. Let`s delve into these principles and explore their importance in creating strong and effective written communication.

1. Basic rule

The basic rule of subject-verb agreement is that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. Example:

The dogbarks
The dogsbark

2. Exceptions

There are certain exceptions to the basic rule of subject-verb agreement, such as collective nouns, indefinite pronouns, and compound subjects. Understanding these exceptions is crucial for applying the principles of subject-verb agreement effectively in your writing.

3. Use “or” “nor”

When the subjects are joined by “or” or “nor”, the verb should agree with the closer subject. Example: Neither the teacher nor the students are coming to the party.

4. Indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone”, “somebody”, and “nobody” are singular and require singular verbs. Example: Everybody loves ice cream.

5. Singular or plural expressions

Expressions that include “each”, “every”, “either”, “neither”, “one”, “no one”, and “many a” are singular and should be paired with singular verbs. Example: Each books interesting.

6. Agreement with collective nouns

Collective nouns, such as “team” and “family”, can be singular or plural depending on the context. Example: The team playing well. The team arguing among themselves.

7. Agreement with measurements

When a measurement, such as time or distance, is the subject, the verb should agree with the measurement. Example: Five miles long way walk.

8. Agreement with fractions and percentages

Fractions and percentages are usually treated as singular, but they can be plural if the context suggests individual items. Example: Two-thirds cake gone. Two-thirds students passed exam.

9. Agreement titles

Titles of books, movies, and other works that are singular require singular verbs. Example: The Lord Rings classic.

10. Agreement gerunds

A gerund, which is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun, takes a singular verb. Example: Swimming favorite hobby.

11. Agreement with “there is” and “there are”

The choice between “there is” and “there are” depends on the subject following the verb “to be”. Example: There book table. There two books table.

12. Collective nouns and their verbs

Some collective nouns can be singular or plural depending on the context. Example: The jury agreement. The jury debating verdict.

Mastering these 12 subject-verb agreement basic principles is essential for effective written communication. Applying these principles will ensure that your writing is clear, coherent, and grammatically correct. By understanding and implementing these principles, you can elevate the quality of your writing and effectively convey your message to your audience.


Unraveling the Mysteries of Subject-Verb Agreement: 10 Burning Legal Questions Answered

1. What are the basic principles of subject-verb agreement in legal writing?Well, my dear inquisitor, the basic principles of subject-verb agreement in legal writing are quite fascinating. It`s ensuring subject verb sentence match number. So, subject singular, verb singular. And subject plural, verb plural. It`s a dance of linguistic harmony, if you will.
2. Can you provide an example of subject-verb agreement gone wrong in a legal document?Absolutely! Imagine a scenario where a contract states “The company are responsible for their actions.” Oh, the horror! The subject “company” is singular, but the verb “are” is plural. Such a discordant symphony of words should send shivers down any legal enthusiast`s spine.
3. How does subject-verb agreement affect the interpretation of statutes and regulations?Ah, the profound influence of subject-verb agreement on legal interpretation! When the subject and verb are not in agreement, it can lead to ambiguity and confusion in statutes and regulations. This can create loopholes and uncertainty in the application of the law, making subject-verb agreement a matter of utmost importance in the legal realm.
4. What are the potential consequences of subject-verb agreement errors in legal contracts?Oh, my dear colleague, the consequences of subject-verb agreement errors in legal contracts are dire indeed. Such errors can lead to disputes, invalidation of contracts, and costly litigation. It`s a veritable minefield of legal jeopardy, all stemming from a simple mismatch of subjects and verbs.
5. How can legal professionals ensure impeccable subject-verb agreement in their writing?Fear not, for there are ways to navigate the treacherous waters of subject-verb agreement in legal writing. Legal professionals can meticulously review their documents, pay close attention to the number of subjects and verbs, and seek the guidance of grammar experts. With diligence and dedication, impeccable subject-verb agreement can be achieved.
6. Are there any exceptions to the basic principles of subject-verb agreement in legal drafting?Ah, the complex tapestry of language! While the basic principles of subject-verb agreement hold true in most cases, there are indeed exceptions in the legal domain. For instance, collective nouns and indefinite pronouns can present unique challenges in subject-verb agreement. Legal practitioners must tread carefully in such nuanced linguistic terrain.
7. Can subject-verb agreement errors impact the credibility of legal professionals?Indeed, my esteemed colleague, subject-verb agreement errors can tarnish the pristine reputation of legal professionals. In the eyes of discerning clients and astute judges, such grammatical missteps can cast doubt on the competence and attention to detail of legal practitioners. The stakes are high, and the scrutiny is relentless.
8. How does technology aid in detecting subject-verb agreement errors in legal documents?Ah, the marvels of modern technology! Legal professionals can harness the power of grammar-checking software and artificial intelligence to detect subject-verb agreement errors with remarkable precision. These technological tools serve as vigilant guardians, sparing us from the embarrassment of linguistic discord in our esteemed legal writings.
9. What role does subject-verb agreement play in the drafting of court pleadings and briefs?The cadence of subject-verb agreement reverberates through the corridors of justice! In court pleadings and briefs, impeccable subject-verb agreement is essential to convey clarity and authority. It lends strength to legal arguments and commands the respect of judicial authorities. The pen of justice must wield the sword of linguistic harmony.
10. Are there any ongoing developments or debates surrounding subject-verb agreement in legal writing?Ah, the ever-evolving landscape of linguistic discourse! While subject-verb agreement may seem like a settled matter, there are indeed ongoing developments and debates in the realm of legal writing. Some scholars and practitioners advocate for greater flexibility in subject-verb agreement rules, while others champion a steadfast adherence to tradition. The symposium of words rages on.


12 Subject Verb Agreement Basic Principles Contract

As per the laws governing the English language and legal practice, the undersigned parties agree to the following 12 subject-verb agreement basic principles:

1The subject and the verb must agree in number
2Singular subjects require singular verbs; plural subjects require plural verbs
3Compound subjects joined by `and` require plural verbs
4Compound subjects joined by `or` or `nor` require the verb to agree with the nearer subject
5When the subject follows the verb, the agreement can be trickier
6Collective nouns may take a singular or plural verb, depending on meaning
7Expressions of time, money, measurement, and weight are usually singular
8Some pronouns are always singular and require singular verbs
9Titles of works and organizations take singular verbs
10There never subjects
11Indefinite pronouns take singular verbs unless the meaning is clearly plural
12Subjects connected by as well as, along with, and in addition to, take the verb closest to the subject

By signing below, the parties acknowledge and agree to abide by these subject-verb agreement basic principles.